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Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington D. Alternatively, if the USFWS determines that anemergency listing is not warranted in this case, AWI requests that it process this listing petition pursuant tothe standard timetable as required under the ESA.
On that island, pygmy sloths have nearly exclusivelybeen found in red mangrove forests. These forests comprise 1. The IUCN reports that the pygmy sloth population is less than individuals but the mostrecent surveys on Isla Escudo detected only 79 individuals located in five isolated patches of red mangroveforest, with no single population greater than 20 individuals.
Opportunistic hunting of pygmy sloths for food by indigenous and local visitors to Isla Escudo. The cumulative impacts of habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation, and hunting further isolatingthe existing pygmy sloth populations on Isla Escudo. Increased genetic inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity due to existing low level of geneticheterozygosity, habitat loss, and population isolation.
Minimal protection under Panama law for pygmy sloths or their habitat despite Isla Escudo beingdesignated an Indigenous Reserve. The magnitude and frequency of occurrence of threats to the species are rapidly increasing, primarily due toan increase in popularity of sloths in popular culture. This has contributed to an increase in the exploitation,including capture, of wild sloths for sale as pets or for use as tourist photo props see, e. This exportattempt was thwarted at the last minute by citizens that physically blocked DWA personnel from exportingthe pygmy sloths from Panama.