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To browse Academia. EA Mendoza. Abstract The aim of this paper is to show how Graeco-egyptian Magic, far from being a phenomenon radically opposed to Religion, takes advantage of some ancient Greek Gods while rejecting others in syncretism with non-greek ones, in order to substitute Religion. Laurentiu Decu. Aseliya Sadikova. Mina Moraitou. Ergin Opengin.
Ev nivis behsa kronikeke dawiya sedsala 18an dike. Ev kronika yek-peli ya bi farisi, yan li Akre yan ji li Amediye hatiye nivisin ku iro di nav sinoren Kurdistana Iraqe de dimine. Kronik di nav destniviseke berfireh a helbesten farisi de ye ku iro li Pirtukxaneya Dewleti ya Berline te parastin. Ev kronik behsa cendin buyeren diroki dike ku di navbera u an de li Mezopotamyaya Jorin an ji li basure Kurdistana Osmani qewimine. Buyeren qeydkiri li ser gesedanen mezin yen siyasi, abori u civaki yen we hereme ne.
Gotar wergereke bi kurdi ya ve kronike peskes dike u di nav carcoveyeke diroki de analiza kesayet u buyeran dike. Manuela Vives. This article examines the use of extrinsic material in legislative interpretation and considers the practice in England and other common law jurisdictions. It inquires whether there is a need to codify the relevant principles and examines the Australian and Singaporean experience of codification. In the light of this analysis the authors examine the failure of the government to press legislation of a similar nature through the Hong Kong Legislative Council and consider that introduction of such legislation is rather premature.
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