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With a background in psychology and public health, my research focuses on generating new knowledge and solutions to improve the wellbeing of individuals affected by chronic diseases, with an emphasis on the national health priorities of cancer, dementia and mental health. I have published more than 90 peer-reviewed articles, 2 book chapters and 7 commissioned reports.
My publications have been cited more than times. Research Expertise Recognising that generating high quality scientific knowledge is crucial to achieving better outcomes for patients, I work collaboratively across disciplines and organisations to:. Background: Accurately identifying the unmet needs of community-dwelling people with dementia allows targeted support to be provided to assist these individuals to stay at home.
Objective: We developed a self-report instrument to identify the unmet needs of community-dwelling people with dementia and used this to explore the prevalence and type of unmet needs present in this population. Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey of people with dementia living in the community in Australia. Participants were recruited from geriatric clinics, respite centers, aged care providers, and carers attending support groups.
Eligible people with dementia were provided with a study information pack and survey which included the self-report Unmet Needs Instrument for Dementia UNI-D , sociodemographic characteristics and survey acceptability. Results: The UNI-D contained 26 items across 5 domains and demonstrated acceptable internal consistency, face and construct validity, and acceptability.