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To browse Academia. Diane Chase. Luis AV. Brumfiel, pp. Archeological Papers, Vol. American Anthropological Association, Washington, D. Christophe Helmke. Christopher Morehart , Christophe Helmke. This chapter proposes such an archaeological approach to gender by examining the charcoal assemblages from two Late Classic period Maya archaeological sites in the upper Belize Valley of western Belize. These sites occupied distinct positions within a complex political economic landscape, and their charcoal assemblages reflect heterogeneity in household production.
The type and the intensity of activities, including wood procurement and craft production, were socially contingent. We propose that household activities and forms of knowledge were conditioned by the positions of households within broader political economic landscapes, not conforming to the timeless social stereotypes imposed by archaeologists. Stacey A Giulianti. Most archeology and cultural anthropology studies, in past decades, have focused on the male aspects of civilization; androcentrism was the norm.
Studies of history "claim[ed] for men all of the great inventions and activities of the past[. Researchers have found that Pre-Columbian women had the ability to "assert power and hold sway in some arenas of social, political, and economic life[. Gero, p. Amy Oakland. Dennis Ogburn. Traci Ardren. Maya Stanfield-Mazzi. Wendy Teeter , Arlen Chase. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer.
Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Laura Wingfield. Related Papers. Gender, power, and status in Classic Period Caracol, Belize. Studies of Gender in the Prehispanic Americas.