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Just set up a last minute dive trip and I figure Ill do some diving when Im down there Not spearing, just diving. Old bottles. Had a friend who was an antique bottle collector.
We dug in the mud in 6 feet of h20 to pull up clay and hand blown glass bottles and pottery from the 's era. Got quite a few. Funny, now that I reflect back on old times, pre-spearfishing. I have no idea what Bocas Del Toro is like now for diving or spearfishing.
It is a banana growing region and very poor. When I was there, very little infrastructure, electricity only part-time. It is difficult to imagine dramatic improvement there. The Perlas were awesome then. Lots of fish and lobster. Cold water though in Jan. Need a wet suit then.
The Perlas were set up for diving,while you might have to take your own compressor to Bocas. Good luck. I was in the Boca Del Toro region 2 yrs ago for some surfing but not diving. I don't recall ever seeing any dive shops but that doesn't mean they are not there. The San Blas should have diving facilities. Be sure to look under the big coral heads for some HUGE spider-like crabs that are easily grabbed and cooked up for some great tasting crablegs. You'll be amazed by the amount of banana farms there when you fly into Changuinola or even if you've got a direct flight from Panama City to the Bocas.