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You will need a password and Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Word to read the file. Please contact the workshop coordinator if you need the password.
Our workshop strives to create an open space for academic conversation in which values of equity, diversity, and inclusion are upheld in an atmosphere of mutual respect. We urge consideration for others at all times, from the affirmative use of preferred pronouns to the avoidance of offensive language.
Welcome one and all! January 28 Jennifer L. March 31 Pablo F. February 26 Alyssa Mt. April 23 Daniel H. April st Conference : En gendering the Atlantic World. Risk in the Maritime Empire, Kathleen M. A proposal for a redefinition from Atlantic early modernity. Rachel St. Perception and Providence in the early Caribbean World. The empire? The island? An email will be circulated when an exact date has been confirmed. Legal and Literary Subjects in a Mixed Jurisdiction.
The lecture will be held at their new facility at 20 Cooper Square click here for a map. Tuesday, March 4, pm Philip J. Stern, American University Qua panditur orbis vis unita fortior, or, just how far does the Atlantic go? LXV , Wednesday, January 19, Joseph C.