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Mr and Mrs. Tacoma, Wash. Arthur G. Williams Selkirk Blgelon and Groton where he islative Committee on Dairy Products, abandoned 30 years ago bocauso of has been spending his vacation.
T J Cahill. A can of corn standing on a shelf In guests at Thomas York's'! Burhans are at Mr C D. Burhans and family of rocelvcs only a small print at the other day, spattering Its contents over t h e i r summer home In Qenesee street. Syracuse have opened their summer best. Clarence Agan and son. Syracuse a dozen or mora rings were The record presented by H. W J McKee. Adams of Manllus was perhaps the standpoint two diamond rings.
Davis and grandson and while en route from N e w York to tho afternoon, but it showed a profit shoe magnate, cancelled the debt of M i s s L e n a Davis are guests of Dr and their homo In Chicago. Harold R. Evans of Canastota has a t Pulaski and Selkirk. T h e prize which are hauling milk from their dairies of obtaining money from his company cuse spent Sunday at M. T h e dovlcos Is for P i a t t Smith and Elliott Smith of where It is has been unnecessary to less than cents a quart at the clipping the ends off string beans.
Adams, "tell the story main place in East Genesee street of infantile paralysis, are quarantined. Dawley leaves tonight for New. T h e feature of the foot. Britten who was Injured ing him In a profit of several hundred FayetteviUe team w i l l Journey to la In poor health Is spending the sum' dollars, had actually resulted In a by the operation of Canastota's now Skaneatles to play that team. Miss Katbcrlne McCoy, 60, was kins and his brother W m. At Monday's meeting of the Board fourth degrees will be conferred on employed.