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This splintered the country into two factions known as the Cristinos or Isabelinos and the Carlists. The Cristinos were the supporters of the Queen Regent and her government. The First Carlist War lasted over 7 years and the fighting spanned most of the country at one time or another, although the main conflict centred around the Carlist homelands of the Basque Country and Aragon.
In my timeline for the First Carlist War I outline the events and suggest wargaming scenarios. Ideas for wargaming scenarios appear in boxes like this. As it happens I found it difficult to write scenarios for specific battles as details of most battles were fairly vague — often I just had the names of the generals and the outcome, and sometimes not even that.
I use a variant on Shako so my comments will reflect that. For those people who are familiar with Shako the only tweak worth mentioning here is that I use non-standard categories of cavalry:. The small size of the forces is problematic for most rules.
For example, at the Battle of Viana the Carlists had cavalry and only 40 infantry, to the Cristinos cavalry and foot. So a foot company was probably about men at full strength and 80 in the field. A horse company was men at full strength, so probably about 40 in the field. More recently I have had access to other sources and have updated the material. In very early a liberal insurrection broke out amongst Spanish troops camped at Cadiz Livermore, In his absence on 24 Aug liberal officers revolted in Oporto.