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While the Liberian Government does make some effort to eliminate human trafficking, it does not entirely meet the minimum standard for the elimination of trafficking.
On the other hand, the country does make significant efforts to comply. Liberia has increased internal investigations on trafficking and assigned a budget to the anti-trafficking task force. The TVPA outlines the criteria to meet in order to combat human trafficking in Liberia and all other countries.
The U. Department designates the ranking for anti-human trafficking compliance. Countries and territories that take great measures to comply with TVPA standards are considered Tier 1. Those that do not fully comply with TVPA standards, but make significant efforts to be compliant, are considered Tier 2.
Liberia is one such country that ranks as Tier 2. Tier 3 countries and territories do not comply with the TVPA standards and are not making any significant efforts. In Liberia, traffickers convicted received unsatisfactory prison terms. Resources and knowledge of trafficking continue to lack in the law enforcement area, thus resulting in ineffective investigations and prosecutions of trafficking crimes. Shelters and services for trafficking victims also remain limited.