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Here then, in no particular order, is the Top 10……filming location trips for …. They were filming in Bangkok on a six week shoot at the time which was where most of the Myanmar scenes were filmed. Besson scouted locations himself in Myanmar and even filmed in disguise at landmarks such as the golden pagoda Uppatasanti and the aerial shots of the river were done on the sly via a rented helicopter crossing the border from Thailand to Burma.
Beyond Rangoon — Depicting the events during the Uprising in Its main star Patricia Arquette loses her passport at a political rally and, left to her own devices, she gets caught up in a fight for democracy as she and leader U Aung Ko travel through Burma as they try to escape to Thailand. The film, which has an emotional score by Hans Zimmer, was mostly shot in Malaysia with some scenes captured in Thailand. You can see it here.
Rambo — Sly Stallone mumbled his way through war torn Burma to rescue a group of Christian aid workers in the long awaited 20 years! Among his victims are a group of pirates and an entire squad of Burmese army soldiers whom he shoots with a jeep-mounted machine gun. Stallone justified this in a press conference by saying the violence in the film was to draw attention to the ongoing problems in the country.
You can read about my own trip to Yangon here. In Bruges — Certainly not the first one that comes to mind when you think of films taking place at Christmas! The woman at the Relais Bourgondisch Cruyce Hotel, where they stay, is doing something with the Christmas tree in one scene and their angry boss, Ralph Fiennes, shouts at his wife in front of their tree and kids in another. A Christmas tree is visible during at least one scene and I guess one other festive link this has is that it was made according to some critics!