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The latter can be very vulgar and offensive. Some of the expressions should not be used. You will not be able to find many of these words in your standard Spanish dictionary. If you do locate any of them, they probably will not be used in the same context as in Costa Rica.
Just be aware that they exist. By studying them you can better understand the native speaker. Abrirse — To leave or to go. Achantado — Disappointed. Achantarse — To be lazy or not feel like doing anything. A culo pelado — Nude, naked Aflojar — To pay. Agachado — Un motivated Agarrado — A stingy or cheap person. Agarrar cancha — To take advantage of someone or gain experience. Agarrar de maje — Make a fool of someone. Agarrar el mensaje — To get the hint or idea.
Agarrarse — To get into a fight. Agarrarla toda — To have good luck or success. Agarrar volados — To learn. Agazapado — Hypocrite Agringado — To have customs and manners like a gringo. Aguado — Boring. Ahorcarse — To get married. A la par — Next to. Al bate — To not understand something. Al tiro — Immediately. Al trole — On foot. Alborotado — Sexually excited. Alborotar el panal — Stir up things or make trouble. Alboroto — Uproar. Al despiste — Discretely.
Alimentar las pulgas — To sleep. Algo es algo, pero son nalgas — Something is better than nothing vulgar. Amarrar el perro — Not to pay a debt. Amarrarse la enaguas — Act tough or impose authority woman.