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At the start of the game, she is 18 years old, and the only character not of noble or royal birth among the Black Eagles. Born to a lady-in-waiting to Imperial nobles from the Adrestian Empire , Dorothea and her mother were kicked out of the household. Her mother died of illness when she was young, and she lived as a street urchin for some time. She was discovered as a songstress by the Mittelfrank Opera Company in Enbarr in , eventually becoming known as the "Mystical Songstress" three years later.
In the Japanese supports, it is revealed that Manuela is the one who discovered Dorothea and recruited her to the opera. In her conversation with Hanneman , Dorothea reveals that she met a noble she suspected was her father, based on his testimony that he "threw away" a Crest -less child and the child's maid mother, once she had become a singer. He not only failed to recognize her as his daughter, but tried to flirt with her, much to her disgust. Dorothea took leave of the opera house to enroll at the Officers Academy in , using the connections she gained in order to do so, and joining the Black Eagles.
After graduating, if the Black Eagles route is chosen, Dorothea becomes an informal collaborator of the Imperial army. Should Dorothea be recruited but defeated during the Academy Phase on Classic Mode, she will flee to a hidden location with the Mittelfrank Opera Company.
She is unable to make it to the promise reunion five years later and her fate is left unknown. If the Church route is chosen, Dorothea and the other students will meet Byleth and Seteth on the city nearby the Church and help them defeat the bandits who were stealing. After that, she joins the Resistance Army. If Dorothea is recruited into the Golden Deer , in she returns to Enbarr and helps with the dispersal of the opera house.