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Original Caption: "These drivers of the th Quartermaster Truck Company, 82nd Airborne Division, who chalked up 20, miles each without an accident, since arriving in the European Theater of Operations. View in National Archives Catalog. World War II began over 80 years ago and as we continue to honor those Americans who undoubtedly and courageously contributed to the defense of our nation, we often overlook in our remembrances the valiant efforts of African Americans.
Throughout the war years they repeatedly had to battle adversaries on two fronts: the enemy overseas and racism at home. African-Americans recognized the paradox of fighting a world war for the "four freedoms'' while being subjected to prejudicial practices in the United States. Thus, as the war unfolded, they vehemently insisted on the privileges of full citizenship.
African-Americans were ready to work and fight for their country, but at the same time they demanded an end to the discrimination against them. To that end, over 2. Despite these impediments, many African-American men and women met the challenge and persevered.
They served with distinction, made valuable contributions to the war effort, and earned well-deserved praise and commendations for their struggles and sacrifices. On the homefront, African-Americans also did their part to support the war.