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Published at: June 7, , a. CST by staff. Movie News. Jemas began by responding to Internet premonitions of doom and gloom for the industry. You can trash us and say whatever you want, but try coming to us first and getting the right information. Fans and even pros were talking about how the industry was dying and it was sort of tolerable when sales were down.
Everyone from creators to fans to journalists have to become less tolerant of the negativity being spread and be proud of the rising sales and increasing diversity in comic books. The negativity being spread is going to lead to a self fulfilling prophecy where we do fail.
A 3-page sample script will be soon found at Marvel. Artists will submit their work at the convention and will be judged as they come in. As submissions grow, Brevoort will put up the leading contender s for fans to see.
The ultimate winner will be decided at the convention, and they will be teamed with a professional writer and go on to pencil a full story within the Thor series within the next year. Writers will have the opportunity to work with a professional artist on an 8 page backup story to appear in the same issue. Quesada was quick to point out that new creators need not be discouraged by their chances.