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Two genera and 52 species are listed in alphabetical order. Each genus account lists synonymies and type species, and each species account lists type locality and host, disposition of type material, geographic and host distribution, and a detailed bibliography. Caixa-Postal: Abraham Willink. Miguel Lillo The American Basilia comprise 52 species divided into five morphological groups based on female characters Table I.
Basilia flava and B. There are four described species of Hershkovitzia. They have hypothesized two dispersal events to North America from Old World. One event originated the species of Forcipata and Ferruginea groups female tergite 2 with two lobes , having bats of genus Myotis Kaup, as host, and the another originated Antrozoi , Speiseri and Juquiensis groups female tergite 2 without lobes with original host Antrozous Allen, bats. Theodor favoured a common origin of American Basilia with center of origin in the Oriental Region, but he did not exclude the possibility that the Antrozoi group belonged to other lineage.
Alternatively Dittmar et al. Most species of Basilia are associated with bats of the family Vespertilionidae, especially of the genus Myotis. Hershkovitzia is found only on species of Thyropteridae. The catalog presented original descriptions, synonymies and type localities. Here we provide extensive information for each of the 52 American species of Nycteribiidae, including the type locality and type host, the institution where the type material is deposited and geographic and host distributions.
This catalogue includes papers published prior to September, 9 th Unfortunately, we were unable to examine all papers listed in this catalogue. For these cases, we cite information from Maa The papers not examined are indicated by an asterisk in the References. Host nomenclature and classification follows Simmons The great number of papers cited specimens collected without technicals to avoid cross-host contamination of bat flies.