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To browse Academia. Dr Elli Vazou. Greece has been building its image in a systematic way since the founding of the Greek National Tourism Organisation henceforth GNTO back to the late 20s, when tourism began to evolve into a strong pillar of the Greek economy.
In this study, we use this pyramid-shaped methodological tool to introduce the brand building methodology into the creation of the e-branded content. We end up showing that images and texts work together in order to lure the potential visitors and to make them feel that what is being shown as a tangible asset, and then described as a quality, now starts to be woven into an experience, a feeling or a wish.
Salamoura Maria , Athina Skapinaki. Salamoura Maria. Meletios I. Street surveys were conducted in Guangzhou and Athens with a total of and questionnaires collected respectively. Regression analysis and structural equation modeling were employed for the data analysis. The sub-dimensional impact of consumer ethnocentrism on purchase intentions varied between Chinese and Greek consumers.
Niros PhD. Firms around the globe spend millions of dollars on marketing programs in order to build strong brands and positively affect consumer behaviour Rust et al. Marketing spending enables brands to retain existing customers, attract new ones as well as to increase their share of wallet Oliver, ; Rust et al.