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Hello all, I am new here and will be looking for as much info a possible about the KPA before buying. My current setup is a Fender Mustang amp and after playing through a Fender Twin Reverb at a music store I realized that I need something better.
My wife and I have a baby on the way, so I will most likely be limited to using headphones for awhile. If so, in what way? What kind of headphone's would be recommended, I am assuming something like Beyerdynamics. Also using headphones would I then have to buy the KPA with the amp built in? Sorry if I seem really dumb on this issue, but all this is new to me.
If I could own all those amazing amps all in one package and it sounded great I would think I've died and gone to heaven. First off - Welcome to the forum. One of the unforeseen advantages I've discovered is the use of headphones with the Kemper. It really changes how I practice nowadays. Simply put, headphones will be somewhat different than running directly to say a DXR10, but not by much. Hullo, you won't need the powered version if you want to use headphones.
The power amp is only for powering a guitar speaker cabinet. If you get the head version of the kemper the one that looks like a toaster you can add an aftermarket power amp later on if your needs change. I can't remember under what heading though. Try the search function. Sorry I can't be more helpful. Thanks for the info and will check those pages out. Hi and welcome to the forum! If you enjoy listening to music through headphones then you should have no problems enjoying the kemper through them.