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Version: 1. Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Would you recommend this Guide? Yes No Hide. Send Skip Hide. Message Sent. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Updates 3. Frequently Asked Questions 4. Walkthrough 4a. Prologue - Where Are We? Day 1: Let's Explore! Day 2: Seeking Out the Fortresses 4d. Day 3: Summonite Ho! Day 4: I, Robot 4f.
Day 6: It's a Day 7: Is it Cold in Here? Day 8: Over the Hill and Through the Woods 4j. Day 9: Ninjas! Ninjas Everywhere!
Day The Final Chapter 5. Bonus Dungeons 5a. Goura Labyrinth 5b. Ruined Factory 5c. Subterranean Bay 5d. Glacier Gorge 5e. Oni Hot Springs 6. Mini-Quests 7a. Cat Lady's Missing Pet 7b.
Little Boy's Lost Items 7c. Trading Quests 7d. Rare Medals 8. Acknowledgements 9. And fortuitously, arrived on the one weekend in a long time where I've actually had free time. As before, this is an attempt at being completely spoiler-free i. Besides that, it's the same general format. Read on and enjoy! Sure wish I'd known that the first time I played the game Anyway, I finally got around to updating various parts of the guide to reflect that you can, indeed, get out of dungeons much faster than previously believed.