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In a modest townhouse overlooking Hierarch Square, you sit by the dwindling candlelight with your quill, ink and parchment, scribbling your wishlist for the latest eye-catching trends. While eavesdropping, you also heard the savvy fellows at Stone the Crones had received a recent delivery of finely sharpened granite shards — perfect projectiles for the congregation and parades before the burnings. Why the spending spree? Well, Black Friday is here in the Free City! Unlike the usual macabre days in Novigrad, the screams and cries of pain and relief during Black Friday were of a different nature than those of Excommunication Saturday and Damnation Wednesday to say nothing of the most feared and hated — Tax Collection Monday.
Black Friday was a typical day in Novigrad in most ways: customers throw daggers at one another sometimes quite literally , queue-jumpers and opportunists seize every advantage, pickpockets and thieves cash in their five finger discounts, shoppers punch and kick each other in the face, groin or any other area they can connect with. Yet on this day, despite the insanity, there was always a strong sense of camaraderie and fanatical joviality. So before the shopping begins, you need to find the coin — but where from?
You could fence some items down at the docks, no, rather the best choice without a doubt is the bankers of Novigrad…. The Banking Guild. Nine appendages like the Lernean Hydra — cut off its head and two more will grow in its place. The Confection Cash Register is a smaller organisation whose popularity is growing despite having neither the credibility nor the dwarven facilities of its rivals. The other five banks in the Guild — Vivaldi, Cianfanelli, Giancardi, Gibellini, Zammorto — are all run by money-minded dwarven families and are the topic I will be focusing on.
Profit, Hoard, Tribute, Fee, all suit the treasurers like a snug tailor-made glove. We even see a female dwarf banker in the Line of Credit artwork! Despite each of the dwarven banking businesses being separately owned and managed by different families, they have an alliance of sorts with each other, providing support when needed.