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A fear of others and of the unknown is the source of much human conflict. Members of one group identify with one another, and group others into categories with easily identifiable traits. Our enemy is evil. Our enemy is irrational. Our enemy is less than human. Sapkowski, however, creates a world in which these groups are not strictly human to begin with.
The civilization he crafts in the Witcher saga sets human morals loose on a fairy tale world, and is therefore fractured and set in with a sense of fatal tribalism. A difference in culture starts with ignorance and then grows into conflict.
He is refused a room when the barkeep and the locals guess his accent. This discrimination is exacerbated when humans are confronted with tribes of people following vastly different walks of life. Dwarves stick to their mountains, elves live off the land, but humans are not contained to their niche. Humans civilization spreads through commerce, immigration, war, and a general domination of the natural world.
As the mountain elf Filavandrel elegantly puts it:. We never cultivated the land. Unlike you humans we never tore at it with hoes or ploughs. To you, the earth pays a bloody tribute. It bestowed gifts on us. For us, the earth gave birth and blossomed because it loved us. The arrival of humans produced a jarring clash in culture, for which the minor physical strangeness of each group to the other is simply an excuse. The real source of conflict between humans and the indigenous peoples of the land they conquer is the absolute incompatibility of their lifestyles.