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If your partner is pregnant, adopting a child or having a baby through a surrogate mother, you might be eligible for Paternity Leave. You could also qualify for Statutory Paternity Pay. Some employers have their own paternity leave arrangements which are more generous than the statutory entitlement. These will normally be included in your employment contract. You can use statutory leave if this suits you better and you qualify for it. Expectant fathers and partners, including same sex partners, have the right to unpaid leave to accompany expectant mothers to two antenatal appointments.
The time off is capped at six and a half hours for each appointment. There is no qualifying period for an employee to have this right. The right applies whether the child is conceived naturally or through donor insemination. You also have the right if you will become a parent through a surrogacy and are eligible to apply for a Parental Order for the child born through this surrogacy. To qualify for paternity leave, you must be an employee. You must use the time off to support the mother or care for the baby and be very involved in their upbringing.
Paternity leave rights are extra to your holiday allowance. However, you cannot take paternity leave if you have first taken shared parental leave. If you're a worker, you don't qualify for paternity leave but may qualify for statutory Paternity Pay. If you're an agency worker, office holder or subcontractor, you will not normally have the right to paternity leave. But you might be eligible for statutory Paternity Pay.
Statutory Paternity Pay is paid for up to two consecutive weeks, depending on how long you choose to take paternity leave. To read more, go to:. If you don't qualify for paternity leave, your employer might give you some time off or you could take paid holiday. If you qualify for paternity leave but not statutory Paternity Pay, you may qualify for Income Support while on paternity leave.