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Bush administration. The number of detainees subjected to these methods has never been authoritatively established, nor how many died as a result of the interrogation regime, though this number could be as high as A Senate Intelligence Committee found photos of a waterboard surrounded by buckets of water at the Salt Pit prison , where the CIA had claimed that waterboarding was never used.
Debates arose over whether "enhanced interrogation" violated U. In , the CIA destroyed videotapes depicting prisoners being interrogated under torture; an internal justification was that what they showed was so horrific they would be "devastating to the CIA", and that "the heat from destroying is nothing compared to what it would be if the tapes ever got into public domain.
American and European officials including former CIA Director Leon Panetta , former CIA officers, a Guantanamo prosecutor, and a military tribunal judge, have called "enhanced interrogation" a euphemism for torture. In July , the European Court of Human Rights formally ruled that "enhanced interrogation" was tantamount to torture, and ordered Poland to pay restitution to men tortured at a CIA black site there.
Officials including Justice Department lawyer John Yoo recommended classifying them as "detainees" outside the protection of the Geneva Conventions or any other domestic or military law, and incarcerating them in special prisons instead of the barracks-like "prisoner-of-war camp you saw in Hogan's Heroes or Stalag As early as November , the CIA general counsel began considering the legality of torture, writing that "the Israeli example" using physical force against hundreds of detainees could serve as "a possible basis for arguing In April , the CIA had captured its first important prisoner, Abu Zubaydah , who was transferred to a CIA black site and at the suggestion of psychologist James Mitchell the CIA embarked on interrogation methods which included sleep deprivation using bright lights and loud music — still prior to any legal authorization from the US Justice Department.