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No matter what language you are learning, there are bound to be a bunch of colorful and salty curse words that native speakers use almost daily. Many casual curse words or insults are part of the daily vocabulary of native speakers. Learning curse words in Chinese can be fun, but it is also tricky. You need to learn which curse words and insults you can use in certain situations and which ones you should avoid. Like many Asian cultures, respect for elders and those considered of higher social standing than you -- your boss or a politician or the owner of a big company — is a big thing among the Chinese.
One of the most grievous things you can do to a Chinese person is to imply that their family or someone in their family is less than honorable. Since many curse words in Chinese do just that, you need to be careful about which ones you use and who you say them around.
They are not, however, considered completely offensive and you might hear Chinese speakers using them casually among themselves. Refrain, however, from using them among elders or formal settings. While this might not necessarily be a flattering term to call someone, it is not really considered offensive.
This descriptive Chinese phrase is used as an insult. It refers to someone who acts extremely deferential to someone they consider more powerful in the hope of gaining favor.