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We conducted a cross-sectional moderation analysis on a population-based sample of adults to examine the age- and sex-specific role of emotion regulation ER in the relationship between chronic stress and cognitive performance using validated self-report questionnaires. While women showed no direct or moderated relationship between stress and cognition, men displayed a distinct age-related pattern where stress was negatively associated with poorer cognitive performance at older ages, and the onset of this relationship was detected earlier in men with ER problems.
These results showed that suppression of emotions and lack of executive control of ER amplify the negative consequences of chronic stress and suggest that there are sex-specific differences in the decline of ability to cope with long-term exposure to stressors. In today's rapidly changing world, affected in recent years by several major crises such as the Covid pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the related energy and cost of living crises, individuals are invariably exposed to various stressors.