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Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik » Amerikanistik: Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft - Bereich Prof. Strube, in: F. Petersen, M.
Seeliger, H. Brunkhorst Eds. Strube, in: M. Sellers, S. Kirste Eds. Springer Publishers Open Access Reference Work, Springer Publishers Open Access Reference Work, Strube, M. Halawa-Sarholz, in: Cornel West: Pragmatismus Und Radikale Demokratie, Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin, Kaltenbach, W.
Raussert Eds. Yuval Jobani. Cornel West. Rachel Adams. Die Zukunft der Demokratie. Erste Tagung des German Pragmatism Network, Mai Du Bois Lecture Series, HU Berlin, Dezember Reality, Factivity, and Current Perspectives in Pragmatism and Hermeneutics. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg , Januar The Neo- Slave Narrative: Incidents in the Life of a Genre Ringvorlesung: "Gender and Genre.
The Present of the Past: Response to Winfried Siemerling's The Black Atlantic Reconsidered Workshop: "Comparative North American Ethnic Studies: Black Canadian Literature from a Transnational Perspective. Thinking Acts: Semi Public Intellectuals and the Future of the Humanities Tel Aviv University , Dezember Failed by Society: Environmental Racism and Hurricane Katrina Konferenz: The Failed Individual. Universität Mannheim , November Following the Weaver's Shuttle: The To and Fro of Literature and Philosophy Konferenz: Literature and Philosophy.