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Louis Henri Becquerel discovers radioactivity — The deadliest avalanche in United States history buries a Great Northern Railway train in northeastern King County, Washington, killing 96 people. Army Captain Albert Berry performs first attached-type parachute jump from an airplane David Beatty becomes Rear-Admiral Commanding the Royal Navy's 1st Battlecruiser Squadron Germany begins attacking ships in the Atlantic Sailors revolt in Kronstadt, Russia — The Australian cricket team captained by Warwick Armstrong becomes the first team to complete a whitewash of The Ashes, something that would not be repeated for 86 years.
He dies four days later. Parry had done well to win a royal pardon — and then a seat in Parliament! Congress passes the Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves, disallowing the importation of new slaves into the country. Approximately men, women, children, and infants sold over the course of two days.