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Metrics details. More research is needed on the potential use of hazardous drinking in cardiovascular risk prediction. Peer Review reports. SCORE uses the information on age, gender, blood lipids, blood pressure BP , and smoking in order to estimate the year risk of cardiovascular mortality in year-olds without manifested CVD.
Two versions of SCORE were created for European countries with high and low background risk of atherosclerotic CVD mortality — the high-risk one and the low-risk one, respectively. Recently, there have been ongoing attempts to improve the SCORE prognostic performance by adding resting heart rate [ 3 ], high-density lipoprotein cholesterol [ 4 ], and other factors [ 5 , 6 ] to the model based on conventional risk determinants.
As the Lithuanian cohort entered the study later and had fewer CVD deaths, it was excluded from the present analyses. The numbers of sampled and examined male subjects, baseline examination years, and response rates are presented in Table 1.
At baseline, a questionnaire survey and a physical examination, with a fasting venous blood sample collection, were performed. Mortality data were obtained from national the Czech Republic and local Poland and Russia registers [ 11 ].