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Els originally worked in the brothel as a kitchen maid and later as a prostitute. The investigation was first prompted by rumours that Els had become pregnant by a customer, and had subsequently been forced by the brothel madam to finish her pregnancy by means of a herbal abortifacient. The case record offers the most comprehensive vision of prostitution currently known to have survived from medieval Europe which shows the perspectives of prostitutes themselves.
Public brothels of the kind that Els von Eystett worked in were a common feature in towns across much of western Europe in the period ca. Augustine [ 15 ] and St. Thomas Aquinas. Rules governing the relationship between brothel-keepers and the authorities were set out in lease agreements, and frequently in oaths sworn by brothel-keepers which required them to make promises of loyalty and obedience.
These documents frequently also contained 'house rules' specifying the behaviour forbidden in brothels such as drunkenness and blasphemy and governing the relations between prostitutes and the brothel-keeper. Prostitutes themselves typically lived in the brothel, and as well as paying for board and lodging were required to give the brothel-keeper a certain amount of the money they received from clients.
This usually amounted to one third of their earnings. Partly as a consequence of this, prostitutes were often heavily in debt to brothel-keepers, and many were traded between brothels. The women's statements indicate that the investigation proceeded along two lines: a specific inquiry into the rumours of Els's abortion, and a more general inquiry into the working conditions in the brothel, ostensibly prompted by Els's claims of other abuses by Barbara and Lienhart.