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She killed herself after Jupiter ordered Aeneas to leave her. At first the question jarred me because I was, in fact, in hiding; but I realized that he was not referring to hiding my body. And then, with uncharacteristic honesty for me, I added, "It would not do for the gachupins to know that a mestizo speaks several languages and has read the classics. The struggle was too much. Instead of further discourse, he raised the wineskin to his lips. Who was this man? He was probably born in Spain, which presumably made him a gachupin, but I did not think of him as a wearer of spurs.
He was first and foremost a rogue and actor. At the moment, a very drunk one. But the other play," I asked, "what kind of person would write such twaddle? I know. I took the skeleton of Vega's play and added different flesh to it. Why, you ask? Because audiences want simple plays about honor, and he has written so many, hundreds of them, that it is easier to put different clothes on them than to bother writing new ones.
I give them what they want. If I didn't, the actors would go unpaid, and the theater would die. If a wealthy duke does not underwrite your art, you pander to the rabble or you starve. His comments, on the other hand, were made with pained sincerity.
I now realized that he was drinking to deaden the pain of theatrical deceit. Did you do it deliberately? What is you name, muchacho? My friend, the fray, a former fray, calls me Bastardo Chico. It's an honorable name, at least among thieves and whores. I drink to you, Bastardo, and to your friend Guzman. And Odysseus. May you, like Odysseus, not die on the Siren's rocks. I use it to heat up the blood. With all that anger blazing in their blood, they'll pay double to see the pirate get his just desserts.