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Mathis, Wayne N. Diptera: Ephydridae. Papuama, are new, as are their respective type species. Colombo: Negombo , D. Kribi beach , Rt. The tribe is divided into four basal sublineages in the strict consensus cladogram. Afrolimna 2 , which is Afrotropical in distribution. Allen L. Cogan, D. Paralimna Afrolimna keiseri Cogan, ; [Afrotropical catalog].
Facial series of setae 3; paravertical setae greatly reduced or lacking. Oedenops Becker, [type species: Oedenops isis Becker, , monotypy]. Paralimna Phaiosterna lineata in part of authors, not de Meijere [misidentification]. Cress, det. Cogan ["aequalis Cress.
Paralimna decipiens Loew, Monographs of the Diptera of North America, Part 1. Shore Fly Genus Placopsidella Kertesz. Catalogue of the Described Diptera of North America. Ross, D. Oedenops afrus Wi. Cogan, A. Mathis 2eT; USN. Shape of presu. Aldrich, John Merton A Catalo. Extended embed settings. You have already flagged this document. Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean. The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible.