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Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Because I am a Girl: the State of - Plan. It was notsomething people read in textbooks orreports. There was no food. Adolescence is a particularly vulnerableperiod for girls in developing countries.
They haverestricted mobility and are susceptible to earlyor forced marriage and early pregnancy. By age 24, women lag behind menin labour force participation in all developingcountries.
Ifyou invest in girls, if you educate girls, if youget girls into jobs, you solve many problems. Washington DC: World Bank. But that is changing. I believe that anything a boy can do a girl can dotoo, sometimes even better.
And yet,early investment in girls could save lives. It wouldalso increase global prosperity. This inequality is not only unfair, itis also short-sighted.