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Time Slots. Restoration notes. Watching out for episodes that might have full guest bits but are not labeled as such. See the end of the guide around row for full information, credits, and terms of use. Service calls Phil takes travel arrangements for Curtis Air including a strip search. Phil's characters die: Harvey Wireman dies while choking on a tea bag, Margaret Grey jumps a bridge, Steve Wanell by self inflicted gunshots, Vic Perell evaporates during a psychic bit.
Steve Nichol bought the station and is setting up a Christian chapel for all the DJs. Phil talks about packing and moving. Talks to numerous callers.
Brad Rifkin reports that the doctors are treating Dan Marino with leeches. Phil talks with callers saying farewells, does a number of very short bits. Chip Hanrahan with Hyzinga Properties. Bob Green is overseeing the sellout of his radio station. He talks to employees characters. A character's daycare offers a woodworking shop and auto shop.
Phil talks to callers. Rick Seiderman fills in for Phil Hendrie. Phil handles a wrong number to an after-school program, informing the lady that their youngster is a jockey now. Larry Grover attacks general manager Bob Green for making a fool out of him. Phil says goodbye to callers. Closes with Jimmy Buffett's "Lovely Cruise".