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The 'Souls Wiki. Clementine is the former benefactress of La Estrella Roja , which is unbeknownst to her run by her cousins, Calrian and Malik Amaranthe. In addition to her so-called business ventures, Clementine does take part in quite a lot of trade Does your character need something? Clem's your girl. As Salsola's primary diplomat, she's more than capable of settling disputes and mending ruffled feathers.
Perhaps you've heard a certain song that seems to describe her On this page Shaped at a young age by both her parents' desires and the untimely death of her brother, Magnus with whom she was very close , her departure from Fort Preble was a hasty retreat from the traumatic event. As her grief has waned to a bitter acceptance, in its wake came a growing, ravenous ambition: to defend her family and her siblings in particular as well as her own interests, it became clear that she would have to climb as high as possible.
Very quickly, her goals bore fruit: in addition to holding the Mercante job, she was named The Arbiter shortly after her second birthday and is now the public face of her pack in addition to being the head of her family. This was not without struggle, however. Almost immediately upon joining the secretive pack, she struck up a friendship with its militia head, Brocade Valentine , but made an enemy of his niece Symre Rask.
This resulted in the older girl leaving odd occult symbols for Clementine to find and other, more generalized forms of harassment. This culminated in an early-Autumn usurpation, wherein Clementine proved once more that taking what you want is the surest way of achieving what you want in life. Something more recent here. Note: Clementine's coloration — specifically her red tones — is often exaggerated artistically beyond 'Souls realism; if you have any questions, please ask me.