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The NSRN Bibliography is currently being managed by the NCF Project. Please click here to download the bibliography in BibTex format, designed to download directly into your preferred referencing software.
Abbink, Jon. Abbott, D. Abdullah, Walid Jumblatt. Abedi, Maham. Global News. Abel, Andrew Stuart, and Andrew Schaefer. Abel, C. Abramowitz, Jonathan S. Deacon, Carol M. Woods, and David F. Abunuwara, Kim, Ryan T. Cragun, and J. Adamson, Walter Luiz. Adamson, W. Adcock, C. The Limits of Tolerance: Indian Secularism and the Politics of Religious Freedom.
OUP USA. Agar, Jolyon. Post-Secularism, Realism and Transcendence: Explorations of the Utopian Content of the Religious Condition Hardback — Routledge. London: Routledge. Tiden fram til The Church and the labor movement: Tensions, disappointments, hope. The time until Kristiansand: Fagbokforlaget. Ahmed, Hilal. Aiello, Thomas. Aldridge, D. Alegre, M. El caso argentino.
Alicino, F. Allen, Chris. Almeida, Ronaldo de. Almeida, Ronaldo de, and Paula MONTERO. Altemeyer, B. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. Altemeyer, Bob. Santa Barbara: Praeger. Altemeyer, Bob, and Bruce Hunsberger. Amherst, N.