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Research Article. DOI: Every year the endeavored arrangements develop in multifaceted nature and execution times. Methods: A sum of subjects 49males and 51 females ranging from 15 to 30 years old were randomly chosen from the population of faculty of medicine, Beni Suef University, Egypt.
The eye width and intercanthal distance of each subject were measured for eye shape classification. Go to Research Article Abstract Background Aim of Study Material and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion References Background In most recent years, the utilization of observer recognizable proof has assumed an imperative job in catching criminal sunder police examination. With the absence of physical evidence, eyewitness identification and testimony has become a strongly favorable form of evidence in the court of law [1].
During the investigation process involving eyewitness, the eyewitness testimony is required, with the assist of a forensic artist, to make a facial composite of the perpetrator for facial or photographic identification. Facial identification is a process whereby matching is conducted between the composite constructed according to eyewitness description and facial photographs obtained from the criminal database.
Before, forensic artists with refined meeting and drawing skills are assigned to do this [2]. Face recognition is a massive field comprised of huge processes of investigation and examination-based methods. Every year the endeavored arrangements ascend in trouble and affecting occasions. Most hard field in the image processing is face detection and recognition system, many methods and techniques have been projected and developed in this regard, but still there is a huge room for new and effective work [3].