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To browse Academia. Jeff Rose. Michael Petraglia. Anthony Marks. Very little is known about the Paleolithic of Arabia. In spite of surveys undertaken immediately after the initial exploration of this environmentally marginal region e. The reasons for this are myriad, ranging from the absence of extant, large karstic caves with deeply stratified sediments the highly preferred Paleolithic site type of the twentieth century , to truly difficult logistics, and, until recently, a lack of encouragement from local authorities.
Still, prehistorians did try and virtually all found some materials they could attribute to the Paleolithic e. Potts , Hans-Peter Uerpmann. Michael Petraglia , Huw Groucutt. In Dhofar, southern Oman, the Nejd plateau's deep canyons once flowed with perennial rivers, feeding wetland environments, forests, and grasslands across the now desiccated interior.
The first peoples of Oman flourished along these waterways, drawn to the freshwater springs and abundant game, as well as the myriad chert outcrops with which to fashion their hunting implements and other tools. The landscapes of the Nejd plateau are a natural museum of human prehistory, covered in carpets of chipped stone debris. The archaeological evidence presented in this work encompasses the cultural remains of over a million years of successive human occupations - from the Lower Palaeolithic to the Late Palaeolithic.
Once considered an evolutionary backwater or merely a migratory way station, the archaeology of Dhofar requires a fundamental reconsideration of the role of southern Arabia in the origin and dispersal of our species. Lisa Maher. Knut Bretzke. This chapter presents new results from ongoing field work in the CentralRegion of the Emirate of Sharjah UAE and contextualizes these results with archaeological, geographic and paleo-climatic data of southern Arabia.