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To browse Academia. Joseph Meert. Abstract During the voyage of the HMS Beagle, Charles Darwin quickly realized that geographic isolation led to significant changes in the adaptation of local flora and fauna Darwin Genetic isolation is one of the well-known mechanisms by which adaptation allopatric speciation can occur Palumbi, Annu Rev Ecol Syst —72, ; Ricklefs, J Avian Biol —11, ; Burns et al. Bryan Carstens.
This paper deals with the so-called Middle Pleistocene revolution, that is, the transition between the Early and Middle Pleistocene between 1. Our knowledge about biotic changes during this transition has been so far largely based on studies of large mammals. Here we address the issue whether all faunal groups were equally affected.
Three datasets have been used: a European large mammals present in the Middle and Late Pleistocene, b European fossil bird species recorded from the Early, Middle and Late Pleistocene of Europe, and c present-day birds currently classified in subfamilies that contain at least one Palaearctic representative species.
Each species was allocated to all those geographical areas, climates, habitats in which it is present today; migratory status was also recorded. These datasets serve to undertake a biochronological analysis of mammal and bird groups, thus establishing patterns and processes of extinction and survival at the genus and species levels. The end of the Middle Pleistocene appears to have been a significant boundary in respect of herbivorous mammals, which suffered considerable depletion.