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Click on a text link or thumbnail to open more information or images in the right-hand frame. Bold numbered links to annotations e. The precise wording is recorded in a revision of Chapter X [UBC , 25]: "A corpse will be transported by express; the charges are equivilent [ sic ] to 2 adult passengers. It must be checked to the U. In , the quality hotel of Cuernavaca; once the manor house of a great hacienda , it was remodeled into a hotel in by an Englishwoman, Rosa King, whose Tempest Over Mexico tells her story and that of the hotel during the Mexican Revolution.
The hotel was the pick-up point for first-class cabs and carriages which is why the taxi "insisted" on taking her there. The drop-off point at the Bella Vista was the Portel del Aguila del Oro , or "Gateway of the Golden Eagle" [de Davila, 91], which may account in part for Yvonne's confusion about the etymology of Quauhnahuac [see Cuernavaca's airfield was little more than a landing strip.
Lowry indicates to Clemens ten Holder [21 March ; CL 2, ff] that the voice beyond the glass partition is that of a man, Weber, "who belongs to a kind of sub-sub-sub-plot of the novel.
He is not very important, in one way, and yet he has to be there, bracing something far down within the substructure of the whole. Although the Consul has not met him, Weber is "already involved with his destruction, his fate"; Lowry refers to this as a "contrapuntal device", a "motif" and an "instrument" of fate.