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So close. I should have set a calendar reminder. Alas, only serendipity brought me here. Same job. More or less same friends. No big life derails. Family is well. My kids are great. My dear wife is great. They all seem much more focused and driven and stubborn than me. Feels a little bittersweet, really.
Am I just lazy? Should I be more driven? If so, towards what? Still doing rugby. Seems to be working. Had the privilege to play some more international games as well. Still lost. Migrated to more hypertrophy. Less recovery required and I feel better. Now I just need to find the energy to get out of bed early enough on enough mornings to train. Late last year I signed up to Audible. Now I am grinding books instead of a handful of podcasts.
Like the news, I guess. I actually forgot what it even looked like, until I got an email earlier that I only saw tonight from LiveJournal. Celebrating 20 years since I created my first post, or account, or something. I still consume. I still share memes and posts and content. I feed the algorithm. Is it simply age and lifestyle changing? Certainly there are people my age and older who are much more active on social channels who receive and enjoy various levels of engagement. Why did I stop? I suppose I had been fizzing out for a while already.
I do feel a bit sad about it, in a selfish, narcissistic way. Quick status: Still in Estonia. One more kid. Same workplace, but have moved around between teams and through the ranks. Still involved in rugby but not playing as much as I would like. Managed to play a couple of matches for Estonian national team.