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To browse Academia. This volume includes 44 papers, 8 posters and 5 software demonstrations. All submissions have been blind-reviewed by two independent reviewers. In case of doubt, a third independent opinion was asked for. Pedro A. Studies on multilingual lexicography: an introduction. Given the new technological advances and their influence and imprint in the design and development of dictionaries and lexicographic resources, it seems important to put together a series of publications that address this new situation, dealing in particular with multilingual and electronic lexicography in an increasingly digital, multilingual and multicultural society.
This is the main objective of this volume, which is structured in two central aspects. In the first of them-I. Multilingual electronic lexicography in a new society-the concept of multilingual lexicography is discussed in regard to the influence that the Internet and the application of digital technologies have exercised and continue to exercise both in the conception and design of dictionaries and new lexicographic application tools as well as the emergence of new types of users and forms of consultation.
The role of the dictionary must necessarily be related to social development and changes. In the second thematic section-II. Multilingual electronic dictionaries: projects and tools-, different dictionaries and resources that focus on a multilingual and electronic approach to the linguistic data for their lexicographical treatment and consultation are presented. Sven Tarp. Rita Temmerman. Rufus H. Adriana Gheorghe.
Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Zoe Gavriilidou. Related Papers. ISBN 90 The Changing Landscape. Studies on Multilingual Lexicography. Specialised lexicography: 20 years in slow motion.