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German leagues. That of Wolodimer, or Vladimer, was heretofore the chiefest. Its capital City, whence it hath its name, was built by Prince Wolodomer, who liv'd about the year It is The City of Smolensko hath, on the side of the River, a Cittadel, fortify'd with great Chains and good Ditches, with a good Counterscarp well palisadoed.
Sigismond King of Poland Recover'd it again in the year Permie is one of the greatest Provinces of all Muscovy, and distant from Moscou German leagues, towards the East and North. The Inhabitants of this Province have a Language and Characters peculiar to themselves.
The River of Wiathka gives it the name; which falls into Kam, which falls into Wolga The Country is woody and barren, and much subject to the incursions of the Tartars Czeremisses, who were the Masters of it, till Basili, Great Duke of Muscovy, united it to his Crown.