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AIO Administrator logon. Anthropological Index Online Download:. Choose the format and email address to send your results. Advanced search results. Adjust search. Choose a field Show me. Log on. You are here: Home Anthropological Index Online. All Rights Reserved. Based on a design by JoomlArt. AIO application v1. Marianne Blomqvist. Saulo Kepsu.
Eero Kiviniemi. Laila Lehikoinen. Urpo Nikanne. Kurt Zilliacus. The variability and narrative structures of wondertales: from universal models to describing the differences between tales. Satu Apo.
Gun Herranen. Lauri Honko. Marjatta Jauhiainen. Annikki Kaivola-Bregenhj. Seppo Knuuttila. Pentti Leino. Lassi Saressalo. Anna-Leena Siikala. Jukka Siikala. Urpo Vento. Leea Virtanen. Annamaria Amitrano-Savarese.
Jaakko Aronen. Jomo Kenyatta and the myth of origins of the Kikuyu: the cosmic order as an expression of political argument. Bernardo Bernardi. Ugo Bianchi. Giovanni Casadio. Eila Helander. Arvi Hurskainen. Teuvo Laitila. Ida Paladino. Paola Pisi. Aurelio Rigoli. Arvo Laanest Elna Adler. Paul Alvre.