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Spread the word about us:. A slutwalk led by the leader of the local Labour group is taking place in Gloucester this Thursday after comments urging women to reduce their risk of being raped by wearing more clothes. Kate Haigh is leader of the Gloucester city council Labour group. I am organising a slutwalk on Thursday in Gloucester.
I had been working towards the One Billion Rising event scheduled for Valentines Day for some time, but when I heard comments about girls in high heels and short skirts from Joanna Lumley — not to mention our local MP Richard Graham chiming in about risk management — I felt I had to do more. Blaming the victim, accepting a culture where women are not taken seriously is unacceptable. As is male entitlement. No woman puts herself at risk of rape intentionally ; most rapes occur when women think they are safe.
They are also perpetrated by men who women believe they are safe with. It is a word that grabs attention and makes some uncomfortable. I wanted to join with those voices and say that gay, straight, trans or bi, high heels and short skirts or converse and jeans, we are who we are and violence is not what we invite in return for expressing ourselves. Since I started to organise I have been privileged that many women and men have shared their experiences with me.
Talking to me about the time they were assaulted or their sisters, mothers or daughters. Telling me how it feels to be told that they are to blame for what happened to them. So on Thursday we will stand up for women and all people to protest against blaming rape on how a woman looks. To reach hundreds of thousands of new readers and to make the biggest impact we can in the next general election, we need to grow our donor base substantially.