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View a full description of this newspaper. The following text was automatically extracted from the image on this page using optical character recognition software:. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission has approved Sept , as statewide season dates for hunting ail species of teal ducks. The Pull-a-thon is the first of its kind, Mrs.
Davison, said. Shooting hours will be sunrise to sunset statewide. The special teal season gives waterfowl hunters the oppor- tunity to hunt early-arriving they want to pull. Prizes will be awarded for the longest pull, the shortest pull and others, she said. Anyone wishing to partic- pate as a volunteer or a contes- ' tant should call Mrs. They were using gold spoons and a Broken Back Rebel.
OT — lbs.. So; David Deal, E — lbs. Itu JV-V F 5. Scrimmages for Mustang football teams will be today and Friday, Aug. Junior varsity Mustangs will face the Pirates here on Friday, 6 p. Mustang varsity squads will scrimmage that same evening starting at 7 p. SE — lbs.
Munson, M. IS, IB and September 1. Open: Mon -Sat. Commercial Aransas Pass. I'm often asked where you can fish if you don't have a boat, and still expect to catch some- thing worthwhile. There are lots of places — piers, open shorelines, etc. Then there are the jetties at Port Aransas. You can drive right up to the south jetty. Only problem with that is it is too easy to reach and is most often too crowded. Sometimes you can catch a mess of fish there but I prefer the less crowded north jetty.