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To browse Academia. Aurobindo Ogra , Reabetsoe Mpe. The word slum is generally used to describe low-income settlements with deprived conditions. UN-Habitat, There is no universally agreed definition of the word slum. Definitions mainly include: illegal, poorly-constructed settlements without basic services, even when some of them are relatively more different and have proper structures?
An informal settlement can be defined as stated by Huchzermeyer and Karam as those settlements that were not planned by nor have formal permission to exist from government. UN-Habitat Place making is how we collectively shape our public realm to maximize shared value Project for public spaces, The focus on place making was intended to remind planners of the human aspect of city-building and the ultimate goal is to create places that people use, that inspire social interaction and promote community stewardship Urban Strategy Inc.
This paper reports that great places are best defined by the community in which they are to be developed. Defining a great place may not seem to be a difficult task, especially to an individual who is not expected to be the final user of the place. This poses the question of who should define what a great place is. One can argue without any doubt that great places ought to bring positive change to their end users and this means a lot of things; it may include job creation, entertainment, good health and other opportunities.
It is crucial to define what constitutes a great place for a specific community before any further planning can be done. This does not only bring satisfaction to the community but also to the project planner and investor. Whilst available definitions and best practices serve as a guide in formulating norms and principles towards creating great places, community members as the end users possess valuable information and insight into how a particular development will affect the everyday life of their community, what their daily challenges are and what place-based assets already exist.