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To browse Academia. Oliver Grimm. All in all, c. This paper focuses on little more than a dozen bear-skin burials in parts of Norway and Sweden. The male and female graves are mainly of the inhumation type, richly furnished and of Migration period date. Pelin Tunaydin. Antonio Tagliacozzo.
Lutz Klassen , Kristian Murphy Gregersen. With a point of departure in the major discovery of ritually deposited bear bones at the Pitted Ware culture site of Kainsbakke on Djursland, Denmark, this paper sets out to investigate the human-bear relationship in Denmark during the Mesolithic and Neolithic c.
Studies of the abundance of bear bones in the archaeological record demonstrate a decreasing tendency throughout the entire Mesolithic and earlier parts of the Neolithic, followed by a rise in the early 3rd millennium BC i. Additional investigations of the treatment of the bones, the selection of specific bone elements and the contexts in which they were found indicate changing patterns in the human-bear relationship. These are interpreted as being due to a combination of environmental change and shifting contacts and interactions with societies in especially the eastern Baltic region.
Tuija Kirkinen. This paper deals with the use of brown bear Ursus arctos skins in the Iron Age and Early Medieval death rituals in south-eastern Fennoscandia. In this area, the practice of wrapping bodies in bear skins endured for over 1, years, starting in the Roman Iron Age in southwestern Finland and ending with the Medieval Age inhumation burials in the Karelian Isthmus. The wrapping of bodies in predator skins is hypothesized by the numbers of 3rd phalanges i.