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One of the most prolific and revolutionary artists the world has ever seen, Pablo Picasso had a tremendous impact on the development of 20th-century modern art. In Picasso's Cubist paintings, he emphasizes the two-dimensionality of the canvas, breaking with conventions regarding perspective, foreshortening and proportion. Picasso was inspired by Iberian and African tribal art. Picasso made many portraits in this style, most often of the women in his life, their expressively colored faces composed of geometric shards of surface planes.
In Woman in a Hat Olga , , he painted his first wife as an assemblage of abstract forms, leaving the viewer to decipher the subject through the contrasting colors and shapes. Picasso was a tireless artist, creating more than 20, paintings , drawings , prints , ceramics and sculptures. From to , Picasso limited his palette to bluish hues in producing some of his most famous early works.
A new show looks at the recycled materials, hidden underpaintings, surprising influences and bohemian lifestyle that led to their creation. Learn the stories of some of the world's most recognizable artworks and their makers.
Message the Seller. View Similar Items. Henri Matisse - Iles, from Poesies Antillaises. Picasso's Blue Period is when he created this powerful portrait exploring the themes of human misery and social alienation that were so prominent in his thoughts during these years after just having lost a good friend to suicide.