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Jump to navigation. After thirty years of civil and religious wars eight in all , he hoped by this edict to establish peace in the country to those whose throne he finally had access. It is true he gained it at the price of recanting the reformed faith, though the famous words attributed to him are certainly an apocryphal saying "Paris vaut bien une messe" — Paris is worth a mass! There were at this period some two million protestants in France and more than 1, temples — places of worship.
According to the Edict, the Huguenots were allowed in worship in more than one hundred of the most important cities of the kingdom and in castles, but also could have access to any and all official functions. It was a model, an unprecedented one, both of religious toleration and of the nature of normal relations between Church and State. However, Roman Catholics judged it as too favorable towards the heretics. After the maelstrom which had lasted for thirty years, the Roman church was seriously recovering and was determined to crush the Huguenot party, the main enemy of France.
It is important to mention this, since it was argued at the time of the Revocation that protestantism had stopped being an important social and religious body, had practically disappeared, so it was no more necessary to grant the too liberal measures of religious toleration. The harassing measures against the protestants, the Religion Pretendue Reformee the so-called reformed religion , had started already around Some did actually recant.
Among those measures were the Dragonnades , the Bastonades , and the Galeres. The Dragonnades were one of the most diabolical measures ever intended for such a purpose.