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To browse Academia. Gabriela Stoleriu , D. Orf is a parapoxvirus infection. It is widespread in sheep and goats, especially affecting lambs and kids. In humans, it occurs rarely and is often underdiagnosed due to the self-limiting evolution.
Transmission is achieved through direct contact with sick animals or indirectly through contaminated objects and food. The clinical picture of human orf is dominated by the presence of single inflammatory nodule, exudation, appeared at the site of inoculation and evolving into 6 stages: maculopapular erythematous papule from debut in the target the nodule with centrally bulla, concentric aspect , exudative acute exudative nodule , regenerative surface crust , papillomatous papillomatous-looking surface , regression removing the crust and healing , self-limiting evolving in weeks.
The diagnosis of orf is eminently clinical and based on correct history. If possibe, we must perform an electron microscopy of biopsy material. Treatment is symptomatic and prevents complications. Orf is not an disabling disease. The amputation of the finger is very rarely necessary.
The orf is a disease that strengthens the belief of doctors that cooperation between the veterinary doctor and dermatologist is highly beneficial to all our patients. Zohra Zaidi. Lawrence Parish. Francisco Javier Gonzalez. Bill Wenstrom. Judith Pfeiffer. Alexandre Cunha. Sartika Bininta.