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His contextual sleight-of-hand, which transforms banal items into sumptuous icons, takes on a psychological dimension through dramatic shifts in scale, spectacularly engineered surfaces, and subliminal allegories of animals, humans, and anthropomorphised objects.
While his approach is unconceivable without Marcel Duchamp and Andy Warhol as precursors, the subject of art history is a constant undercurrent in his work, whether Koons elevates kitsch to the level of classical art or produces works in the manner of Baroque sculptures. Image: Balloon Flower 2 , —, high chromium stainless steel, mirror-polished finish with transparent color coating, x x cm. Instagram jeffkoons. Jeff Koons Mucem. How Real is Real? A Look at Art in the Eighties P.
Brush Art Gallery, St. Monographs Whitney Museum of America Ed. Celebration, Berlin, Gagosian Gallery Ed. Neff Ed.
Empire State. Boylan Ed. Gingeras Ed. Damien Hirst. Jeff Koons. Gingeras Eds. Mitchell: What do Pictures Want? Wahnhafte Wirklichkeit Schneede Ed. Amerikanische Kunst der achtziger und neunziger Jahre.